Be part of creating more opportunities in Mendocino County. If we $50,000 in donations from our local community we will receive another $50,000 from a private grant. This money will go towards creating jobs and opportunities for our community.
Wowser is something special. It’s a playground for innovators and makers. It’s like a temple for creatives. It’s a place we can all go to think, to learn, to share our knowledge with others.
By gathering local innovators, inventors, creatives, and entrepreneurs in one location, we harness and enhance existing skill sets to create locally made products, which provide a unique jobs skills training opportunity for our young and underemployed community. Through our community-wide support network for members, we connect with local resources on a case-by-case basis creating a community-based business incubator. The results are new products and services that lead to new businesses, jobs, and skills development.
One of Wowser’s many perspectives…certainly not its only one…is it is a business incubator for start-ups to thrive independently. It’s also an incubator for personal start-ups and restarts.
It would be a lot easier to run the makerspace solely as a non-profit. However, what makes Wowser a quantum leap better is that we run Wowser as an entity that is self-supporting through separate revenue producing modules, which may or may not be spun off as separate for-profit businesses that continue to support Wowser into the future. This is how Wowser is self-sustaining and supports its community with both jobs skills and revenue production, hiring local people, and increasing the tax basis of our community. This makes sense financially.
We’ve secured a private grant of $50,000 contingent on a match of the same amount. Your flat or recurring donation will go towards the match. Your support will provide the bridge needed as we launch our revenue producing activities.
If everyone reading this donated, our fundraising would be done within an hour. But not everyone can or will donate. And that’s fine. We’re confident that just enough people will decide to give.
Please consider making a monthly donation of $3, $20, $50 or whatever you can to protect and sustain Wowser as we move into our revenue producing activities: CLICK HERE TO DONATE